Contribute to the Project

This is the contributor documentation for the 52°North project SOS.js. Great to have you here! Here are a few ways you can help!

Learn & listen

Best way to get started is to start is getting to know what is going on and how 52°North works:

Team Members

This list might not always be up to date, so also check the repository contributor list.

Contributor License Agreement

52°North requires all contributors to sign a contributors license agreement (CLA). This is not scary, but essential for open source projects to live beyond lifetime of funding projects and individual contributions.

Find all information on our licensing information page at and our CLA FAQ.

Adding new features

This section includes advice on how to build new features for the project and what kind of process this comprises.

  • Start a discussion on the mailing list about your idea.
  • Create an issue to track your work.
  • Fork the repository.
  • Create a new branch for the feature, e.g. feature-mynewidea

Don’t get discouraged! We estimate that the response time from the maintainers is around a week.

Bug triage

Thanks for helping us to improve the software. Here’s what you can do:


SOS.js currently does not support different languages. Are you interested to change this? Get in touch!


Code needs explanation, and sometimes those who know the code well have trouble explaining it to someone just getting into it. That is why we need your help. You can directly contribute to the documentation by forking this project and editing the documentation files.